Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Understanding the Christian life

A boy was having difficulty living the Christian life. He went to his pastor who told him to go see a painting. The caretaker at the gallery took him to a large room where the painting adorned an entire wall. The young man was repulsed at what he saw. It was a painting of Christ on the cross, but the perspective from which the artist painted it was off balance. It looked grotesque. The caretaker said, "Son, you need to get closer." The young man came closer. "Son, you need to ger lower." The young man got lower. "No, closer and lower." Before the young man knew what was happening, he was kneeling at the foot of the cross and when he looked up, he understood the entire painting. Until you are willing to take your place at the foot of the cross, the Christian life will never make sense to you either.

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